While Skore Pleasure League is primarily a league of twenty different games that open up to play at different weeks; I tried them all today and found that some of these games were really fun. The basic idea behind the games is to educate people that sex is not just about “Wham Bam, Thank You Ma’am!” but lot more.
It is a general male misconception that women don’t tend to react to sex and often lay their faking the big “O”. Well, this would continue all your life, whether it is your wife or your girlfriend if you tend to have just one thought on your mind – finish, clean up and move ahead. Women are as much humans as us men yet are made very differently. I am not the person who can clear a myth that women can orgasm multiple times, however, I have heard the same as well.
Of the games that are available to play, I liked the games Moan by Numbers, and Magic Hands the most. These games tend to teach the average male about the multiple erogenous zones that women have on their body. Jumping straight towards her breasts and the vagina is not the way foreplay begins! There is a lot more to it before you can even unlock her body and mind towards you! The other games Read between the Lines and Get a Clue tend to teach a man when a woman may be thinking what! Often Men tend to get carried away in case of furtive glances that a woman may be giving out to check them out. I am sure, getting a little educated with this, they would give second thoughts before jumping in the bandwagon and approach the girl directly!
While the games Date Dash and Scroll2Skore are among the most mediocre games, Spl Private Eye and Flashy Footwork are Ok. Role play roulette, Roll the dice and Super Skoring Stances did make me feel that the timer was running faster than usual! Scroll2Skore could have been shorter since my fingers still hurt after scrolling continuously for 3 full minutes non-stop!
While more games would be unlocked in the coming week, I shall try to play the new games and see what they are like, until then, signing off…
Skore Pleasure League:
a. About the Pack:
1. A Special Edition Pack to be launched during IPL – Pack to be named as T20 Pack and will contain 20 coloured condoms.
2. It will be a consumer offer pack – Sex Positions booklet will be given free along with this pack
3. MRP of this pack would be Rs. 120/-
4. Consumers buying this pack will be eligible to win some cool prizes – Daily, Weekly Prizes and Grand Prizes to be won
b. About the Contest:
1. Name of the contest is “Skore Pleasure League”
2. Minimum Age for participating in the contest is 18.
3. Anybody above 18 will be able to participate in the contest. They just need to log on to Skorecondoms.com/SPLto kick start
4. During Registration, they would also have to select a particular team out of the 10 teams available. ( 9 teams from previous season’s SPL) – Please note that these teams have no bearing on the contest and all prizes will be decided only on Individual performance. The teams are only for creating excitementduring the contest.
5. Once registered, they will get to perform 20 exciting & thrilling tasks
6. Based on their performance and other measurement standards they will be awarded runs for each task – criteria for awarding runs and how many runs to be awarded will be decided
7. Score that the user gets will get added up to his/her account
8. There will be Daily & weekly prizes for the participants who are top scores in the leader boards on the respective day and week. ( Ideally Top 1 daily & top 5 Weekly)
9. At the end of the contest, the top 3 participants will be win the Grand prize. However, to be eligible to win a Grand Prize, the participant needs to buya Special Edition T20 pack.
10. Everytime a Special Edition T20 pack is got, the participant needs to open the pack and find an unique code inside the top flap of the pack.
11. Each code will give you extra runsand increase the chance of winning the Grand Prize– Extra Runs will be high and this will act as a motivator for them to buy more packs
12. Entering the unique code will give him/her 50 runs
13. Share SPL on Facebook timeline – 4 runs
14. Inviting Facebook friends to SPL 6 runs
c. Winning the Game:
1. There will be three category of prizes – Daily, Weekly & Grand Prizes
2. Daily prizes will be given at the end of each day. The top 3 contestants at the end of the each day will get Skore Merchandise of Rs.250 each. (180 prizes in 60 days)
3. Weekly prizes will be given at the end of each week. The top 5 contestants at the end of the week will get Book My Show Vouchers of Rs. 1000 Each.
4. The Weekly prizes will be given away for 8 weeks – total of 40 winners
5. Grand prize will be announced at the end of the contest – June 30th
6. The top 3 contestants at the end of the contest will win the Grand prizes – iPad.
7. However, only contestants who buy the pack will be eligible to win the Grand Prizes.
8. For all prizes, except the Grand Prizes, the respective prizes will be couriered to the winners
9. Only for the Grand Prize, contestants will be given the prize in person. However, they would have to produce the Special pack with the code which they had purchased.
You can play the games here