Kotak Mahindra Bank launched the Privy League of Credit Cards at the Hard Rock Café last week on Thursday, the 27th of June, 2013. The card has been issued only to a select few High Networth Individuals who were selected using certain undisclosed criterion. The main features of the card lie in not the look but the facilities that the bank has managed to secure for its card holders.
A few of the card features have been listed below:
- The bank allows the customers to choose their own reward programs ranging from memberships at most elite clubs to movie tickets. Gone are the days of reward points, it’s time now for instant gratifications!
- The card comes with a wallet assist program which promises to replace the card in case of loss immediately no matter where you are located. This is also accompanied by the Loss Protection which covers any transactions that are made after you report the loss of the card.
- The card also provides you a Demat facility with preferential brokerage rates, after market trading orders, expert analysis and research accompanied with a dedicated relationship manager who would be your window to one call trade.
- On the basis of the relationship value, the bank allows you not only an unsecured overdraft limit but also preapproved loans at a competitive rate of interest and minimal documentation.
- In case of the card being linked to Current Accounts, the bank offers a two way sweep facility, preferential booking of Forex Rates online for Transactions, Customized Trade Solutions and Management of Payments and Receivables.