…i tried all that i could!!!

But i guess i need an even deeper understanding!!! 1.5 months and i am still making losses!!! i wonder when i will recover from them!!! Dunno whether to go on or stop speculating altogether for some time!!! My head reels around as i try to recall those days that have passed by!! Here i sit listening to Ishq Bina from Taal!! i guess i need a love interest in my life now before i start trading again!! dunno!! can’t think actually!!!

2 thoughts on “God save those who trade on stock markets…

  1. Thank you for visiting ny site.

    Stocks continually go up and down, especially these days. So if I were you I would let them ride a while. If you have never invested in stocks before it is defficult to see them drop. I used to worry too. Hang on for a while.

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